11 DEC 2014
Feeding Your Guinea Pigs
Posted By : Guest Filed Under : Guinea Pigs | Guinea Pig Food | Timothy Hay | Pet Care
Guinea pigs (which are also called cavies) are remarkable pets to have. They are quite funny and charming most of the time, even when they are hiding (perhaps, especially when they are hiding). With adorable faces and long, round bodies, it is little wonder that guinea pigs have captured our attention and found a way into our hearts.   But, although they are small, guinea pigs are still pets, and that means that they need some loving attention from their owners. The biggest hurdle is, of course, ensuring that your guinea pigs have a comfortable home that is both snuggly, but not in the sun – and airy, but not in any draughts. And, once you have this right, you are well on your way to providing your pets with the best home possible. After that it is mostly a matter of feeding your guinea pigs the best possible diet and then… enjoying them as they play. Guinea Pigs Are Fibrevores As you learned in school, some animals are herbivores; some are (us.. [More] guineapigfibrevore.jpg
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